COVID-19 Patient Information

COVID-19 Patient Information

As the COVID-19 situation continues to change, the safety of our patients and staff remains our first priority.

Due to the high transmission rate and the fact that many of our patients fall into an ‘at risk’ population for more severe illness (over 70, diabetes, chronic lung disease, kidney failure, immunosuppressed, heart disease, hypertension), we are making the following changes to our practice.

Telehealth / Telephone Appointments

Our practice will be offering telehealth/telephone consultations daily between 1pm and 3pm where appropriate, except in cases where face-to-face contact is deemed medically important. Dr McLean is authorised to bulk bill for all telemedicine consultations. Further instructions will be provided closer to your appointment.

If you are seeking an appointment, we invite you to please contact the practice on (08 7077 0101) to determine whether a telephone or video conference appointment would be suitable instead of a visit to the practice.

Telehealth / telephone consultations will be offered to:

  • Patients with pre-existing bookings. One of our administration staff will be in contact to set up the consultation.
  • All new patients, please send in your referral letter which will allow us to determine if you are suitable for a telephone or telehealth consultation. This can be done by email to
  • If you have not been offered a telehealth or telephone consultation but would prefer one, please call 08 7077 0101 to discuss with our administrative staff whether you may be suitable.

Bulk Billed telehealth consultations now available. Book online.

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For all clinic visits

As per the current health recommendations, we are implementing social distancing and additional infection control policies as follows:

  • Additional cleaning and sanitising of our practice to prevent viral transmission
  • Hand sanitiser is available throughout the practice


During your time in our centre, we ask that you help us maintain a sanitary environment by:

  • Coughing and sneezing directly into your elbow, or into a tissue which can be immediately disposed of
  • Avoiding handshakes, and other unnecessary physical contact
  • Using the hand sanitiser provided
  • Minimising the number of family members/friends that accompany you where possible. A support person during your consultation is always welcome, provided they are not unwell.


Due to the high transmission rate, we kindly ask that you delay your visit to the practice if you:

  • Experience any flu-like symptoms (coughing, fever, shortness of breath, muscular aches and pains, headache, sore throat)
  • Have been in recent contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
  • Have recently returned from overseas travel

If you are unwell or have been asked to enter quarantine or self-isolation, we ask that you notify us immediately on (phone) so we can assist by rescheduling your appointment. Please note that if you have misled us regarding your symptoms, exposure or travel, we have the right to refuse you service in the future. The safety of our patients and staff is of paramount importance to us.


Elective Surgery

While elective surgery has been temporarily postponed by the Federal Government Australia-wide, Dr McLean is currently offering surgery to acceptable urgent Category 2 cases that include:

  • Fractures
  • Infections including arthroplasty sepsis
  • Unreduced acute dislocations
  • Acute major tendon disruption
  • Tumours

Dr McLean has also arranged additional operating time to accommodate patients once the Government-imposed restrictions are lifted.

Further updates

We will endeavour to keep you updated via our web page as the situation changes. Patients will be notified as soon as possible if there are any changes to our scheduling or services.  You may also call the practice directly on (phone).

PLEASE NOTE: As this is an evolving situation these policies are subject to change without notice.